The Stardust Inside of You
Did you ever wonder where the materials that make up the body you inhabit everyday came from? The "stuff" that builds your biological shell of bones, organs, nerves, flesh and blood? All of these things are made of various particles defined in the scientific fields of biology and physics as molecules and atoms. But where did these little "ingredients" of our corporeal vessels come from? How and from what were they made? The answer to these questions will take us to a time when the universe was much different than it is now.
How we currently understand the early universe from the field of physics is that expanded after the "big bang". We assume that hydrogen atoms formed first since they are the simplest type of atom we have been able to identify within the universe. Hydrogen atoms contain only one proton in their nuclei which is why it is listed first on the periodic table of elements. After some time these hydrogen atoms started to clump together under the force of "gravity" or "law of attraction" (a concept we still do not fully understand from a scientific perspective)). As these masses grew in size, the pressure at the core or center grew larger. When the temperature of a hydrogen mass reaches ~ 15 million degrees F, the pressure causes the hydrogen to fuse their nuclei together. This process is defined in physics as nuclear fusion.
The positively charged nuclei naturally repel each other. However under high temperatures and pressure, the nuclei are moving fast enough to smash together and fuse. When the two proton nuclei of the hydrogen atoms fuse, they form a nucleus consisting of two protons. Some electrons also combine with protons to form neutrons and neutrinos. These neutrons also bind to the nucleus helping it to remain more stable under the nuclear forces. An atom with two protons in its nucleus is Helium. That’s why helium is number two on the periodic table of elements. The fusion process also releases a lot of energy in which some of the hydrogen mass converts into photons or light energy. At this point, our universe has a bunch of large clumps of hydrogen fusing together to create helium while releasing large amounts of photons or light energy. This is, in actuality, what we commonly call a Star!
How we currently understand the early universe from the field of physics is that expanded after the "big bang". We assume that hydrogen atoms formed first since they are the simplest type of atom we have been able to identify within the universe. Hydrogen atoms contain only one proton in their nuclei which is why it is listed first on the periodic table of elements. After some time these hydrogen atoms started to clump together under the force of "gravity" or "law of attraction" (a concept we still do not fully understand from a scientific perspective)). As these masses grew in size, the pressure at the core or center grew larger. When the temperature of a hydrogen mass reaches ~ 15 million degrees F, the pressure causes the hydrogen to fuse their nuclei together. This process is defined in physics as nuclear fusion.
The positively charged nuclei naturally repel each other. However under high temperatures and pressure, the nuclei are moving fast enough to smash together and fuse. When the two proton nuclei of the hydrogen atoms fuse, they form a nucleus consisting of two protons. Some electrons also combine with protons to form neutrons and neutrinos. These neutrons also bind to the nucleus helping it to remain more stable under the nuclear forces. An atom with two protons in its nucleus is Helium. That’s why helium is number two on the periodic table of elements. The fusion process also releases a lot of energy in which some of the hydrogen mass converts into photons or light energy. At this point, our universe has a bunch of large clumps of hydrogen fusing together to create helium while releasing large amounts of photons or light energy. This is, in actuality, what we commonly call a Star!
As you are reading this our very own solar systems sun (our star) is continuously going through this process. As a star ages, it fuses the helium with hydrogen to form lithium which has three protons in its nucleus. This fusion process continues to create larger and larger nuclei. The forth, the fifth and all the way up to 26. This is the general idea but it’s not exactly this easy. We have to remember that this is in fact nuclear physics that we’re dealing with here. It looks like a pretty simple picture as we just described but up close it is actually an intricate jigsaw puzzle.
The fusion process doesn’t actually create the elements in order through the periodic table. In fact, the process jumps around. And some fused nuclei decay down to lower elements that were skipped over. Fusion also creates neutrons which combine with atoms to create isotopes which act like atomic cousins. Overall, we can say that a star produces all of the elements up to iron in the periodic table through the fusion process. The details of this process are fascinating, yet they deter us from answering the question at hand.
The fusion process doesn’t actually create the elements in order through the periodic table. In fact, the process jumps around. And some fused nuclei decay down to lower elements that were skipped over. Fusion also creates neutrons which combine with atoms to create isotopes which act like atomic cousins. Overall, we can say that a star produces all of the elements up to iron in the periodic table through the fusion process. The details of this process are fascinating, yet they deter us from answering the question at hand.
The element with 26 protons in its nucleus is iron. It turns out that this is the last element that is created. To create higher elements, fusion requires more energy than it produces. We mentioned earlier that a star glows because the fusing atoms release energy (E=mc2). However, the amount of energy released becomes smaller and smaller as the atoms grow larger. Eventually at iron, there is no energy released at all. And for elements beyond iron more energy is need for fusion than gravitational pressure can provide.
After a star has created enough iron, fusion ceases and the hot burning core begins to cool. Up until this point the hot core of the star erupting outwards and preventing gravity from collapsing the star. Now that the star has cooled, the core no longer expands and gravity quickly collapses the star. The star implodes with enough energy to immediately fuse some of the atoms into higher elements like Nickel, Krypton, Gold, Uranium,… etc. This quick and violent implosion releases an enormous amount of energy that explodes the star. This is what we call a supernova! Astrophysicists are still not exactly certain about the details of how a supernova explodes. Hopefully you can figure it out someday!
The exploded remains from a supernova travel through out the universe only to someday clump together with other stardust and give birth to a new star. This is the life of our universe.
Now that we have established that every element in the periodic table aside from hydrogen is essentially stardust, we have to determine how much of our body is made up of this stardust. If we know how many hydrogen atoms are in our body, then we can say that the rest is stardust. Our body is composed of roughly 7x1027 atoms. That is a lot of atoms! Try writing that number out on a piece of paper: 7 with 27 zeros behind it. We say roughly because if you pluck a hair or pick your nose there might be slightly less. Now it turns out that of those billion billion billion atoms, 4.2x1027 of them are hydrogen. Remember that hydrogen is bigbang dust and not stardust.
This leaves 2.8x1027 atoms of stardust. Thus the amount of stardust atoms in our body is ~ 40%.
Since stardust atoms are the heavier elements, the percentage of star mass in our body is much more impressive. Most of the hydrogen in our body floats around in the form of water (the physical form of emotion). The human body is about 60% water and hydrogen only accounts for 11% of that water mass. Even though water consists of two hydrogen atoms for every oxygen, hydrogen has much less mass. We can conclude that 93% of the mass in our body is stardust.
Just think, long ago someone may have wished upon a star that you are made of... maybe you are what they wished for!
After a star has created enough iron, fusion ceases and the hot burning core begins to cool. Up until this point the hot core of the star erupting outwards and preventing gravity from collapsing the star. Now that the star has cooled, the core no longer expands and gravity quickly collapses the star. The star implodes with enough energy to immediately fuse some of the atoms into higher elements like Nickel, Krypton, Gold, Uranium,… etc. This quick and violent implosion releases an enormous amount of energy that explodes the star. This is what we call a supernova! Astrophysicists are still not exactly certain about the details of how a supernova explodes. Hopefully you can figure it out someday!
The exploded remains from a supernova travel through out the universe only to someday clump together with other stardust and give birth to a new star. This is the life of our universe.
Now that we have established that every element in the periodic table aside from hydrogen is essentially stardust, we have to determine how much of our body is made up of this stardust. If we know how many hydrogen atoms are in our body, then we can say that the rest is stardust. Our body is composed of roughly 7x1027 atoms. That is a lot of atoms! Try writing that number out on a piece of paper: 7 with 27 zeros behind it. We say roughly because if you pluck a hair or pick your nose there might be slightly less. Now it turns out that of those billion billion billion atoms, 4.2x1027 of them are hydrogen. Remember that hydrogen is bigbang dust and not stardust.
This leaves 2.8x1027 atoms of stardust. Thus the amount of stardust atoms in our body is ~ 40%.
Since stardust atoms are the heavier elements, the percentage of star mass in our body is much more impressive. Most of the hydrogen in our body floats around in the form of water (the physical form of emotion). The human body is about 60% water and hydrogen only accounts for 11% of that water mass. Even though water consists of two hydrogen atoms for every oxygen, hydrogen has much less mass. We can conclude that 93% of the mass in our body is stardust.
Just think, long ago someone may have wished upon a star that you are made of... maybe you are what they wished for!
Astrology: The Study of Stars
What exactly is astrology? The stars and planets have always inspired a sense of wonder. Throughout history many cultures have looked skyward and seen the face and story of the divine staring back at them. There's a cosmic dance on the grand scale, and one on the intimate scale, going on for each of us. This is also where the concept of "As above, so below" was born. From a more contextual standpoint, Astrology is the study of patterns and relationships — of the cosmic and celestial elements( such as the moon, sun, stars, nebulas and planets) in motion within our individual astrological chart, it's correspondence with the star charts of other individuals and using that knowledge as a tool to see and feel deeper meaning within ourselves (micro) and the universe (macro).
Astrology's premise is that the planetary movements influence the Moments in Time. Since we're part of the story of the Universe, our moment of birth recorded on the celestial clock is meaningful. The planets continue to move, engaging with the fixed in time energies of our birth chart.
Today's Astrologists draw on the myths, symbolic associations and wisdom of past astrologers to design their own intuitive language. There are the long cycles of outer planets that show generational trends, and shorter ones, like the Sun's annual journey through the Zodiac.
Astrology is an incredible tool and study for self-discovery, no matter how far you decide to take it. At first, the pieces of the puzzle may not seem to fit. But if you stick with it, at a certain point it "clicks" and the orchestrations of the cosmic dance make sense to you in a way that is personal to you and your journey. If life seems like a series of meaningless events, astrology often shows us that all things happen for a reason, a greater purpose. It can shine a light on inner contradictions and natural strengths. It can be used as the key to help unlock the trappings of the psyche that we are often allowing to "rule" our life based on our astrological chart. The birth chart is a guide to understanding the "archetypes" from which our soul must learn to break free from. In this study you will find that never new depths and layers of insight are constantly revealed to about the role and rules by which the celestial bodies in the heavens and our body dance together.
The "Ark of the Covenant": Celestial "Bonds" of the Archetype
Many have heard of the "Ark of the Covenant" but very few actually have a grasp of what it means and represents on a spiritual and astrological level in our life and in correlation with our astrological archetypes defined within our birth chart. First, lets break down and define how the etymological and divine roots of the words 'Arche', Arch", 'Arc', 'Ark' and "Covenant" are connected to one another and what those meanings translate to within you as a vessel of a/ the divine spirit.
The "arche" is technically what underlies all of reality/appearances.
ἀρχή; sometimes also transcribed as arkhé)is a Greek word with primary senses "beginning", "origin" or "source of action" (ἐξ’ ἀρχῆς: from the beginning, οr ἐξ’ ἀρχῆς λόγος: the original argument), and later "first principle" or "element". The first principle or element corresponds to the "ultimate underlying substance" and "ultimate undemonstrable principle". In the philosophical language of the archaic period (8th to 6th century BC), arche (or archai) designates the source, origin or root of things that exist. In ancient Greek philosophy, Aristotle foregrounded the meaning of arche as the element or principle of a thing, which although undemonstrable and intangible in itself, provides the conditions of the possibility of that thing.
An "arch" or "arc" is the apparent path described above and below the horizon by a celestial body.
Interestingly enough 'arche' and the noun 'arc' are very similar in meaning, and thusly both are given similar etymological roots. 'Arch' refers to a (constructed) bow or a curve, and 'arc' refers to a part of a curve or circle. Both are considered to be derived from the Latin 'arcus', which also carries meanings pertaining to (constructed) curves and bows. It is interesting to note, in this sense, the correlation to the "ark" of the covenant which is depicted as a rainbow (a natural phenomena in which a bow or curve of the full spectrum of visible light is created). An important relationship to remember here is that rainbows are "light" and almost always showcase themselves as a sort of bridge or stairway connecting the sky or "heavens" and earth. In the ancient mystic traditions this is the contract made between the Sky or the "Aether" and the Earth.
An 'ark" is a vessel, ship or container which is intended to conceal or hide something precious.
Etymologically the word is considered to be rooted in the Latin 'arca', which refers also to a box or a chest, especially for storing valuables (although it may also refer to a coffin or a prison cell which demonstrates the importance of individual perception and definition within spirituality). So the thoughts which 'ark' expresses are those of a container or a covering and from the same root we also see the English word 'arcane', meaning 'hidden', 'concealed' and 'secret'. In conclusion, an ark may be considered to be a box or chest in which a valuable secret is contained, hidden and concealed.
A covenant is a promise that binds entities together; making them one or unified with each other.
The term "covenant" is of Latin origin (con venire), meaning a coming together. It presupposes two or more parties who come together to make a contract, agreeing on promises, stipulations, privileges, and responsibilities. It is, by basic sense, a contract. In spiritual and religious circles the covenant is viewed as a contract that is ruled by both familial bloodline and sworn oaths. The act of marriage is considered a covenant, as is the relationship one has with what they view as god and their spiritual self.
How do all of these words coincide together with "The Ark of the Covenant" and it's relationship to you?
To begin, it is important to understand that your biological form is an "ark" or "vessel" for a spiritual entity; your soul. As previously stated this biological form is also made up of many divine cosmic materials, such as stardust and light. The concept that you are a "genie in a bottle", or a divine spiritual being held within a "lamp" isn't entirely inaccurate. Ironically enough, the word "genie" comes from the word "djinn" with meant spirit. The "light" or spiritual flame held within is your soul self and the effigy, body or vessel you inhabit holds your "covenant" or celestial bond. The divine soul, or "light" concealed within is described in many creation stories as being brought here on a "rainbow bridge" or "Arch" by and from the original source of all creation itself (the "Arche"). The most beautiful part about this relationship is that you are, in fact, both the lock and the key to the wisdom and divinity concealed within you. It is important to remember that this concealment is a learning experience, not a punishment, so that Creation may learn how to be unique within each individual with the intention of expanding the universe in all directions while still maintaining a way to return "home" within itself.
Understanding Your Birth Chart: Covenant of the Divine Vessel
With a new found understanding of what you truly "are" as a spiritual entity inside a biological container we now come to the true meaning of the study of Astrology and why it is important to understanding the Archetypes within your birth chart. Astrology can be baffling at first because it involves a different kind of wisdom. It requires you to be able to ask questions that are can only be answered within yourself. There are three parts to any birth chart — planet, sign, and house. There is also a "blending" that happens in astrology that involves those three. As you learn more, your understanding deepens. You get a sense of what life lessons, spiritual progressions and understandings the archetypes within your chart hold for you. The charts below show the fundamental identities, ideologies and numeric representatives of each archetype.
Astrology's premise is that the planetary movements influence the Moments in Time. Since we're part of the story of the Universe, our moment of birth recorded on the celestial clock is meaningful. The planets continue to move, engaging with the fixed in time energies of our birth chart.
Today's Astrologists draw on the myths, symbolic associations and wisdom of past astrologers to design their own intuitive language. There are the long cycles of outer planets that show generational trends, and shorter ones, like the Sun's annual journey through the Zodiac.
Astrology is an incredible tool and study for self-discovery, no matter how far you decide to take it. At first, the pieces of the puzzle may not seem to fit. But if you stick with it, at a certain point it "clicks" and the orchestrations of the cosmic dance make sense to you in a way that is personal to you and your journey. If life seems like a series of meaningless events, astrology often shows us that all things happen for a reason, a greater purpose. It can shine a light on inner contradictions and natural strengths. It can be used as the key to help unlock the trappings of the psyche that we are often allowing to "rule" our life based on our astrological chart. The birth chart is a guide to understanding the "archetypes" from which our soul must learn to break free from. In this study you will find that never new depths and layers of insight are constantly revealed to about the role and rules by which the celestial bodies in the heavens and our body dance together.
The "Ark of the Covenant": Celestial "Bonds" of the Archetype
Many have heard of the "Ark of the Covenant" but very few actually have a grasp of what it means and represents on a spiritual and astrological level in our life and in correlation with our astrological archetypes defined within our birth chart. First, lets break down and define how the etymological and divine roots of the words 'Arche', Arch", 'Arc', 'Ark' and "Covenant" are connected to one another and what those meanings translate to within you as a vessel of a/ the divine spirit.
The "arche" is technically what underlies all of reality/appearances.
ἀρχή; sometimes also transcribed as arkhé)is a Greek word with primary senses "beginning", "origin" or "source of action" (ἐξ’ ἀρχῆς: from the beginning, οr ἐξ’ ἀρχῆς λόγος: the original argument), and later "first principle" or "element". The first principle or element corresponds to the "ultimate underlying substance" and "ultimate undemonstrable principle". In the philosophical language of the archaic period (8th to 6th century BC), arche (or archai) designates the source, origin or root of things that exist. In ancient Greek philosophy, Aristotle foregrounded the meaning of arche as the element or principle of a thing, which although undemonstrable and intangible in itself, provides the conditions of the possibility of that thing.
An "arch" or "arc" is the apparent path described above and below the horizon by a celestial body.
Interestingly enough 'arche' and the noun 'arc' are very similar in meaning, and thusly both are given similar etymological roots. 'Arch' refers to a (constructed) bow or a curve, and 'arc' refers to a part of a curve or circle. Both are considered to be derived from the Latin 'arcus', which also carries meanings pertaining to (constructed) curves and bows. It is interesting to note, in this sense, the correlation to the "ark" of the covenant which is depicted as a rainbow (a natural phenomena in which a bow or curve of the full spectrum of visible light is created). An important relationship to remember here is that rainbows are "light" and almost always showcase themselves as a sort of bridge or stairway connecting the sky or "heavens" and earth. In the ancient mystic traditions this is the contract made between the Sky or the "Aether" and the Earth.
An 'ark" is a vessel, ship or container which is intended to conceal or hide something precious.
Etymologically the word is considered to be rooted in the Latin 'arca', which refers also to a box or a chest, especially for storing valuables (although it may also refer to a coffin or a prison cell which demonstrates the importance of individual perception and definition within spirituality). So the thoughts which 'ark' expresses are those of a container or a covering and from the same root we also see the English word 'arcane', meaning 'hidden', 'concealed' and 'secret'. In conclusion, an ark may be considered to be a box or chest in which a valuable secret is contained, hidden and concealed.
A covenant is a promise that binds entities together; making them one or unified with each other.
The term "covenant" is of Latin origin (con venire), meaning a coming together. It presupposes two or more parties who come together to make a contract, agreeing on promises, stipulations, privileges, and responsibilities. It is, by basic sense, a contract. In spiritual and religious circles the covenant is viewed as a contract that is ruled by both familial bloodline and sworn oaths. The act of marriage is considered a covenant, as is the relationship one has with what they view as god and their spiritual self.
How do all of these words coincide together with "The Ark of the Covenant" and it's relationship to you?
To begin, it is important to understand that your biological form is an "ark" or "vessel" for a spiritual entity; your soul. As previously stated this biological form is also made up of many divine cosmic materials, such as stardust and light. The concept that you are a "genie in a bottle", or a divine spiritual being held within a "lamp" isn't entirely inaccurate. Ironically enough, the word "genie" comes from the word "djinn" with meant spirit. The "light" or spiritual flame held within is your soul self and the effigy, body or vessel you inhabit holds your "covenant" or celestial bond. The divine soul, or "light" concealed within is described in many creation stories as being brought here on a "rainbow bridge" or "Arch" by and from the original source of all creation itself (the "Arche"). The most beautiful part about this relationship is that you are, in fact, both the lock and the key to the wisdom and divinity concealed within you. It is important to remember that this concealment is a learning experience, not a punishment, so that Creation may learn how to be unique within each individual with the intention of expanding the universe in all directions while still maintaining a way to return "home" within itself.
Understanding Your Birth Chart: Covenant of the Divine Vessel
With a new found understanding of what you truly "are" as a spiritual entity inside a biological container we now come to the true meaning of the study of Astrology and why it is important to understanding the Archetypes within your birth chart. Astrology can be baffling at first because it involves a different kind of wisdom. It requires you to be able to ask questions that are can only be answered within yourself. There are three parts to any birth chart — planet, sign, and house. There is also a "blending" that happens in astrology that involves those three. As you learn more, your understanding deepens. You get a sense of what life lessons, spiritual progressions and understandings the archetypes within your chart hold for you. The charts below show the fundamental identities, ideologies and numeric representatives of each archetype.